

Eaten so far today:
Breakfast: Grits, eggs, sausage toast and coffee
Thinking of having rice and chicken for dinner if I get hungry.

Hours on Phone: only about 1/2 was outside most of the day

Resumes: 2 but intend to send more

Exercise: Does 4 hours of yard work count? I say an enthusiastic YES!

Bought: Nada though, I'm going to buy some crap tomorrow.

Uggh! Why do I pay 25 dollars a month for such crummy service?! I don't even use the stupid AOL browser but, I am constantly kicked off because of stupid AOL. Ugggh! It just did it while I am writing this, now I will have to sign on again before I put up this post. This is insane! If I didn't work, someone would fire me but AOL can just not work and blame their "technical difficulties" as though that is a good enough explanation. Could you imagine telling your boss, "I can't work today because of technical difficulties"?! Some f---ing nerve these AOLers have. I HATE them. I hope AOL goes out of business and suffers a horrible, horrible demise but being a liberal, I hope no one has to lose their job or their pension because of it. Speaking of losing pensions, I was reading today abut how Delta Airlines (I think) will not have to pay their employees pension plan even though these people have worked hard, invested in it and rightfully deserve it. It infuriates me that this can so easily be done yet the same government who allows this passes a bill to make it harder for people to claim personal bankruptcy. Has anyone heard of such assinine B.S.? It's crazy how working people are continuously screwed over while those who can afford to be screwed every so often are allowed to slip pass the cracks paying smaller amounts of taxes percentage wise and getting all kinds of freebies. I'm not trying to turn my blog political or anything but, it's crap like this that gets on my nerves. It's sad indeed what our country is becoming or rather is, a haven for the wealthy while the rest of us scrap by trying to make it. On the flip side, I must say I LOVE Mac OS X. I remember the early days of the Mac OS system, if AOL kept crashing the way it has been, I would have had to restart my computer each and every time, now, I can just restart AOL without touching the rest of my system, such wonderfulness. AOl just did it again, that's three times in less than ten minutes. I'm calling and demanding a credit right now. They have me on line with one of those computer things the ones that you have to talk to and always gets what you say wrong. Who invented this thing? and I hope they were not allowed to live after unleashing such an awful so called communication device into the world. Do they honestly believe that people would rather speak to a machine than a human being? I am so disgusted. Finally a person has come on and while I am speaking to him, it disconnects again. He has the nerve to try to get me to sign for another year with them and if I cancel my service anytime during the year, I will owe them the full amount at the time of cancelling. HELLO, I'm calling because your'e company sucks. I could see if was all "Oh, AOL is wonderful, I've never had anything better." They've got to be kidding. What are they on, some kind of crack? These people are ridiculous.

Today, Samson and I were in the yard. I was gardening and he was barking at various insects, and pieces of pollen. While in the yard, I heard two loud pops and became very afraid. I don't know if I was being paranoid (actually, I KNOW I was being paranoid) but, I automatically assumed someone wanted to shoot me and my dog. Oh god, I was so scared, I went in the house and sat there for a long time, thinking it I went out, the sniper would surely do us both in. I'm irrational, I know.

Mysterious Ex made me feel so bad yesterday. I was very angry at him and I wanted to pick a fight. I had all of my words planned out so that I would have the right stuff to attack him with and then he went and told me this very sad story and about how it has him down. I felt like such a louse, I'm terrible. I don't know what to do or think. I thought I was coming to some type of decision but, I truly felt for him, where does that leave me? The thing is, I really do love M.E. I think about him often, I see us living in a house together making babies and stuff, he's going to counseling but, I don't see an effect thus far. I know that a major part of a relationshiop is sticking with that person during the good and bad but, am I doing too much?

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