

My cousin has a new girlfriend and I DO NOT LIKE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, this is my absolute best friend cousin. I don't like the way things have been between us and most of it stems from her relationship with this woman. My cousin and I have been best friends since we were teeny tiny kids. We have not had an argument since we were like ten best last night, we argued...because of this chick.

Okay, they met about four months ago and already, they've decided to live together. Let me re-phrase that, they've done more than DECIDED to live together, since they are ALREADY living together. When they first met and my cousin spoke of her, I thought, I guess she's a nice girl, I don't know her or anything but, from what T says of her, I guess she seems okay. But then, this girl begins to get REALLY insistent. She emails me, through my My Space page, telling me "we've got to meet!" I really though that was kind of rude. I figured, when it was time to meet with her, my cousin and I would put together since MY COUSIN, not she, is my friend. I told my cousin she mailed me, asked my cousin to ask her not to do that again and then, I did not answer her. This all occurrd prior to them moving in together. Now, I am REALLY big on vibes, energy, etc. and there really is just something about this girl that just was not sitting correctly with me. Then, I see a picture of her, and again, there is something that just isn't right. I can't pinpoint it but, it is rare that I get feelings like this but when I get them, I follow with them because I honestly believe it is my spirit or something greater than me letting me know something I need to pay attention to.

So then, three months into their relationship, my cousin announces to me (I knew she would before she told me), she and this girl are moving in together. I was very unhappy about this and things between my cousin and I got weird for about two weeks. In the midst of this weirdness, this girl emails me again, basically saying the same thing, 'we need to get together, it is imperative that we meet, etc.' I told my cousin her girlfriend mailed me and read her the response I sent to her girlfriend, BEFORE sending it to her girlfriend. When I asked my cousin if she thought my response was rude, she responded, "it's fine".

My response was something to the effect of:

I say this not to be mean, or rude, or unkind.

T and I are working on things between us right now. When it is time for you and I to meet, she will let you know.

Many Blessings

Now, the 'many blessings' and 'ase' are very important because I am wishing her peace and love and good energy.

Fast forward to this weekend. I had a get together, nothing really big, just a few close friends. I invited my cousin and hr girlfriend of course. So,

#1 - They get there about 4 hours late
#2 - When they walk in, her girlfriend is ice grilling me, looking at me in this weird way so I of course, shout down. I'm wondering, why is she looking at me like this, what's up with her?
#3 - The rest of the evening, she is looking at me in this very weird way

After they leave, a friend of mine mentions that the energy in the room shifted as soon as this girl came in. She said she felt me across the room and that she'd never felt me feel like this before.

Two days later, my cousin tells me that her girlfriend felt I was being rude to her. She says that I didn't make eye contact with her all night, didn't offer her anything to eat or drink and that she was trying to get my attention all evening but I didn't pay attention to her. Oh, and she says I didn't speak one on one with her.

#1 - When they came in, I, like I did to everyone, showed them the table where all of the food was set up. I made, pizzas, fried ravioli - (cheese, chicken and lobster), crab salad, salad, sushi, chimichangas and drinks where in the fridge. Everything was laid out buffet style, I saw her eating, quite a few times I might add. How didn't I offer her food? Everyone was told, drinks were in the fridge. When people wanted drinks, they went to the fridge to get them. EVERYONE did this. I saw her and my cousin I might add drink more than a few times.

#2 - I BARELY spoke one on one with anyone. A friend of mine sat near me she and I exchanged a few sentnces but didn't have an entire conversation going on. A friend of mine's boyfriend was sitting near me, again he and I spoke a bit but, nothng on going. My cousin pulled me into my bedroom and spoke with me for a few minutes (at which time, she didn't mention anything about me being rude). My date spoke with me alone briefly but for the most part, it was a very group oriented event. We all spoke together, laughed and got along. She even participated a little bit.

#3 - Anyone that knows me knows that coming into my house in and of itself is a big thing. My house has a very open floor plan so almost everything is visible from a certain vantage point if you are on either floor. I have altars in my house and so people realize that when they come into my home, they are also coming into my temple, very serious business. If I invite you into my home, in short, it is REALLY a big deal.

So tell me after all of this, how was I rude? I'm just so vexed right now because this girl is a BIG drama queen. I HATE her. Bitch.