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great reading.

You can only type one word

1. Where is your cell phone: desk

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: none

3. Your hair: nappy

4. Favorite store: lane bryant

5. Your father: spirit

6. Your favorite thing: contentmen

7. Your dream last night: sensual

8. Your favorite drink: tea

9. Your dream car: red

10. The room you're in: living

11. Your last ex: unknown

12. You are: free

13. What do you want to be in 10 years: content

14. Who did you hang out with last night: Sam

15. What you're not: lost

16. Muffin: banana nut

17. One of your wish list items: diningroomchairs

18. The last thing you did: read

19. What are you wearing: houseclothes

20. Your TV: off

21. Your pet is: sleep

22. Your computer: fly

23. Your life: complete

24. Your mood: grooving

25. MISSING: love

26. What are you thinking about right now: thislist

27. Your car: none

30. Your summer: planned

31. Your relationship status: developing

32. Your favorite color: red

33. When is the last time you laughed: morning

34. Last time you cried: awhile

35. Work: okay

Wow, it has been such a LOOOONG time!

So, I have been CRAZY busy lately. My new job (well not so new anymore) just seems to have taken over much of my life. I thought I would get used to the hours but I haven't really.

Bullet points on what has happened so far:
  • I lost 20 pounds
  • My hair has grown a lot
  • My bathroom is finished!
  • My kitchen is not :''(
  • My new job is great!
  • The hours are terrible
  • An old friend of mine and I started talking and hanging out again
  • I've been saving lots of money
  • My tenants have been paying their rent on time
  • Nothing horrible has happened to the house
  • I've reignited my connection to my spirituality
  • I have two new really great friends
  • My cousin is in love and may have found her version of "the one"
  • I got a new dining room table (for REALLY cheap too)
  • I met a few new guys
  • They all turned out to be liars (except one, he and I just didn't work out) one turned out to be homeless, VERY long story
  • I reconnected with an ex (he's still a liar)
  • Reconnected with a guy I kind of dated
  • Things are still up in the air with him
  • I've met some really great acquaintences
  • I'm getting a raise next year (school year so, September)
  • I've been mostly happy!