
I Am Nervous as All Hell

So, I went out with New Guy last night and have to admit that I had a good time. He wants to do something this afternoon so I am sitting here waiting for him to pick me up. I am supposed to go out with Mysterious Ex tonight also, I feel so whorish. My friend T says that I have too much of a conscience. She calls me the leader of the moral parade. I will not go that far but, I do feel weird about this situation. Not that anything truly salacious (sp?) is going on, it isn't as though I am sleeping with New Guy but, I still feel like a horrible cheat. I had to lie to M.E. last night. It wasn't my intention but it just sort of happened. He asked me what I was doing for the night (he wanted to hang out), I couldn't just go, "Oh, going out with this guy". I don't want to walk this path. I am going to have to come up with a solution as quickly as possible because, I can't continue on this route.

1 comment:

zoe xx said...

I just don't see you're doing anything wrong here. You aren't committed to either Mysterious Ex or New Guy - you're researching which one you prefer and for that you need to be armed with as much information as possible. Enjoy!