
I am feeling so much better now.

First, thank you to everyone for your kind words, suggestions and even for just taking the time to read what I have to write. You people rock.

So, this weekend was a good one.

Yesterday, I ran the street. I went to see a friend perform at a small place in Lower Manhattan then, I came back to the Stuy to catch a craft fair. I wanted to buy a crocheted hat but by the time I got there, there wasn't anything left. That sucked. (I have to up my crocheting game, it would be great to make my own stuff). Then, I went to a friend's store and bought the greatest bag I've bought in two weeks, the last being this green crocodile (I know, I felt bad for the crocodile too but, this bag is RIDICULOUS!) number that is... I have no words.

When I got home last night, I was sooooooooo hungry. It was ridiculous so, I ordered a pizza from dominos, right online, it was so easy, it was scary. I can just see myself now ordering pizzas at 2 in the morning online. So there, like 1 in the morning, I'm sitting on the floor with Sam and the cat (Sebastian) eating hot wings and pepperoni, onion, black olive, meatball, ham, green pepper pizza, which coincidentally became my breakfast, lunch and dinner today too.


In an attempt to make new friends, I joined a Crafting group. A bunch of people who get together to, I guess, talk about crafting and art and share their work. Sounds cool. We were supposed to meet at a local restaurant for brunch this afternoon but, I didn't do that becuase I did NOTHING. I ate, I drank juice, I shuffled around a bit, I tried to take a nap but the cat kept jumping around so that was a no go, I ate some more, drank some more, plucked my eyebrows and managed to half wash my hair (I promise to do some au napturale updates as a few people have asked me to) and other than that, I did nothing.

So, my friend, the one who owns the store, and I were talking about the Brit yesterday. She thinks I should have a sit down talk with him as she says she REALLY likes him and thinks it is the duty of most men to act a fool. She brings up the point that he was really nice to me and how well he and I got along to prove her case. She feels if our talk goes well, I should give him another chance and then see how things go. She poins out the fact that I've given Ian (Mysterious Ex) 3-4 years of try agains. I pointed out that M.E. never had another woman involved in our relationship (not that I recall) our foolishness was OUR foolishness (or rather his). I'm not sure how I feel about speaking with the Brit face to face. I'm not sure how I feel about the possibility of giving him another chance. Honesty is very important to me. The weird thing is, if he had just told me, I dig you but I'd like to see other people, this entire situation wouldn't bother me that much, not at all but, the fact that he INSISTED that we be exclusive then I find out he's chatting up other chicks and running around town with some other broad, I just can't deal with that.

So, this same friend wants to hook me up with her cousin. Her cousin is a chef, a nice guy, I've known him or a bit of time. He actually came to the Christmas party I threw a few weeks back. He's tall, works at some fancy restaurant in the city and has his own catering business. He's nice looking, very nice looking, tall, owns a brownstone (in a nicer part of the Stuy than I do, not that I'm a gold digger but, his house HAS to be worth like 850 now) and apparently, he digs me.

Now, I'll rewind, over the summer, in the midst of the M.E. stuff right around the time I met the Brit, my friend, we'll call her B, kept talking about her cousin A. "You should meet A." "Wait 'til he sees you, you're his type." "He needs a good woman in his life." etc. We met probably in September but, I was real deep into the Brit so, he was just some dude, I wasn't very interested. At my Christmas party, he sat near me when I sat down. When he came and when he left, he gave me this big hug. He was checking out my stuff, he complimented my taste in furniture, my newly renovated kitchen (which is FINALLY done, and remember, he's a chef so a compliment on the kitchen is a BIG thing) and, the last time I saw him, I asked "how are you?" and he answered, (I SWEAR!) "much better now that I'm in your presence", (he was holding my hand in BOTH his hands and looking RIGHT into my eyes when he said this) of course I just giggled and said "go on" like the good girl I am, hee hee. Then, when I left, he gave me apeck on the cheek. B says he's a bit intimidated by me because I'm young (I'm 30, he's 42). He thinks:
A) I'll think he's too old for me
B) I'm cute (he thinks I'm cute!) and I have a bunch of men in my wait
C) I'm career oriented (men think anyone not working at McDonalds is career oriented) and may not want a relationship

Someone told me he was talking about me not very long ago (maybe a week). According to this person he went on about how intelligent and stylish I am, how I have great taste and how I'm a "good girl" cause he sees me with my mom, with Sam and doing nice wholesome activities. I thought the "wholesome activities" part was hilarious.

So, I have his number. I was thinking of calling him but, I've never called a man first, what do I say? What do we talk about? Do I just ask him out? I'm not sure. I'd like to be bad ass and call him, set up a date and everything but truthfully, I'm not that bad ass, at least I don't think I am. As sad as I was the other day, I'm not going to let that get me down for long. I'm going to keep moving.