
Top 5 Reasons My Job Sucks Today

5. Its boring. I do the same thing day after day, there is no challenge.

4. The hours. 10 - 6 are very sucky hours. I'm always tired no matter how much sleep I get and I still haven't become accustomed to the time. When I get home, it's about 7 or later, always too late in my eyes to go out and do something after work. Plus, its a really long stretch of time to leave Sam.

3. The kids. The kids in my programs are really nutty. They start fihgts with one another, are sometimes disrespectful to my staff and often do the most inappropriate things.

2. The stuff I have to do. I think its been well established that I am lazy. I have SO much stuff to do EVERYDAY. Its exhausting. I'm stressed out, tired and very unhappy.

#1. My new supervisor. This chick gets on my nerves so much! Let us count the ways:
A) She has WAY less experience than I do:

1. I have been an educator or in education for like 12 years now. This girl has 4 years in.

2. She got her job as a favor. She and I held similar positions last year (I do more work than her and, I get paid more!). She left to go to graduate school (to get one of the degrees I already hold). She COULDN'T GET IN! So, our supervisor MADE UP a position for her so that she could have a job until she takes REMEDIAL classes to be able to get into Grad School. (Mmmmmmmmm)

3. She has no command of the English language. Now, I know that in this blog I make many mistakes but, this is my personal who gives a shit writing. This woman writes things like (actually taken from a circulated memo) "In which capacitye will these supplies be used in". WTF!?!!!

4. She pretends to know EVERYTHING. Our programs are funded by grants given by the city. A group of our children are funded by one agency, lets call the agency ABC. Another group of children are funded by another agency, lets call it XYZ. Children from XYZ agency receive supper every evening and food is provided to them if they go on trips. Agency ABC does not provide food but will reimburse you if you buy food for the children. So, children funded by agency ABC were going on a trip. She says, " I wonder if XYZ will give food to the children going on the trip". I say, "No, the children going on the trip are funded by ABC", she says, " I KNOW that." Uh, then why would you ask such a dumb question?

5. She is like the dumbest person EVER. I am a salaried employee. If I work 30 hours, if I work 75 hours, I get the same amount. My assistant, is not a salaried worker. So, she gets paid by the hour, goes into overtime, time and a half, etc. The supervisor says, (in a whiny, annoying voice), "Um, S, I don't understand why T worked 65 hours last week". I answer, "Well, I worked 70 hours last week and she was you know, assisting me." She says, "Well, I know sometimes you guys hang out in the office." I interrupt, "HANG OUT? In the office? Seriously? I may hang out at a restaurant or a club but, I certainly do not hang out in the office. What I do there is work." She says, "Well, I want her to stick to her schedule as much as possible. I understand you have things to do but try to use her more during the hours she is supposed to report to work". Uh, okay.

6. Did I mention how annoying she was?

7. She couldn't do the job I currently do. Three years ago, she ran the programs I currently run. Correction, I run two other programs in addition to the ones she ran. She couldn't handle it and (I know I'm going to hell for saying this but I don't care), she cracked under the pressure. Like she LITERALLY nutted it up. (That's why I mentioned faking a nervous breakdown. Going crazy helped her, she was given a sweeter, easier position, prior to the one she currently has).

8. She says dumb things like, "Let me think about that" when I ask her a question when we both know what she really is going to do is ask our head supervisor. Why can't she just say, "I'll ask C" because I ALREADY know that's what she is going to do.

9. She likes to question all of my decisions. Mind you, she just became my supervisor like a few weeks ago. I've been running these programs since the school year began without incident now, all of a sudden, she all, "Why did you do that?" "How do you feel about that decision?" She LOVES to say things like, "When I ran those programs..." or "When I held your postion..." I ALWAYS want to answer, "You mean when you nutted it up and were hospitalized over kids? You mean those times? Mmmmm? STFU _itch

10. She STARES at me. We're having a conference, I look up and she is staring in my face. We are in a city wide conference, there are literally hundreds of people in a room, I look up and guess who is looking back? This chick is scary.


Another my job sucks post

My job sucks so much that for much of this weekend, all I've been thinking about is how much I don't want to go to work tomorrow. On Friday, I thought, I don't want to go to work Monday, yesterday, I spoke about it for like two hours and tonight when I looked up and saw it was 9 o'clock, I nearly cried. Work, sucks so much.

If I quit my job right now, I have about 5 months worth of money to live on but after being unemployed before, its something I don't want to chance. But, I'm going to go crazy if I have to go to that horrible place everyday like, I really am. Thinking about not wanting to go to work two days before I have to go is horrible, really, really horrible.

I'm seriously thinking of faking a nervous break down or something so that I can go on leave.

This shit sucks.