
Week 17 Month 5

Just a note - For pregnancy, I follow the Lunar Calendar which says 1 month is equal to 4 weeks. Some people use the traditional calendar which says a month goes date to date, ex. July 3rd to August 3rd. Based on the Lunar Calendar, pregnancy lasts 10 months so, though I am entering month 5, I still have 5 months to go.

Half Way there!!!

I'm very excited as our pregnancy continues PROBLEM FREE!!! (knock on wood)

Things I LOVE about being pregnant:

-Feeling Bumble inside of me. It is an absolute WONDERFUL feeling! (My baby is the SMARTEST baby EVER) today, I was visiting my Mom. I tell her, Bumble hasn't kicked me in a few days. I've felt her squirming and moving but no kicks. No less than 5 minutes later I SWEAR, she kicks a few times in a row. Tell me that isn't genius!

-Knowing that I have created the smartest baby ever. See above.

-Having that pregnancy glow. Now, admittedly, my skin was jacked up last week. Why? Not sure, probably hormones but once again, my skin is gorgeous and if I do say so myself, I'm looking pretty cute.

-Sex. Now I know this may be too much info but pregnancy sex is like the best sex ever. Or, sex with Paul is the best sex ever though, I really think its the pregnancy.

- My hair is RIDICULOUS. Like, my hairs is crazy thick. The texture has changed too. Its like really coarse now but thicker than ever. Honestly, I'm not really sure what to do with it as I've never had hair like this before. I just two strand twisted it and let it do its own thing for a few days.

-I can eat whatever I want. I've only gained like 5 pounds. The weight I gained before, I lost, not sure why but, who cares. Seriously. I had cheeseburger with fries two days in a row and no one said anything. Of course I still eat lots of fruit and veggies and all the good stuff that I'm supposed to eat but come on, cheeseburgers, twice in week and no one says a thing?

-Everyone is super nice to me. Since I'm REALLY showing now, people are just so kind. They get out of my way when I'm walking down the street, they hold doors open for me for ridiculous amounts of time, like I'm down the hall and they are specifically holding the door for me. I get offered seats even in places where people don't usually sit down, like the bank. (That REALLY happened).

-I can wear flip flops all the time and no one says a thing. I'm pregnant, what are they going to say?

-I take the greatest naps. My mom's couch, is like the comfiest place in the world. I was home today and Sam and I walked down the street specifically so that I could take a nap on her couch.

-I can blame EVERYTHING on Bumble. Admittedly, I've been kind of pushy when it comes to certain things, (what we're going to eat, what movie we're going to see, where I get to sleep in the bed, sending Paul for clam strips at 2 in the morning). As long as I end the statement with, but the baby or but Bumble... Everything is alright.
Me: I want pizza. (this can be substituted for any number of things)
Paul: We had pizza yesterday.
Me: Is there some law that we can't have pizza twice in a row? We want pizza.
Paul: Come on now.
Me: But Bumble wants pizza, are you going to deny your child?
Paul: What do you want on the pizza?

-Whining and pouting is cute again. This only would work with my dad, even when I was an adult. After he died, no one paid much attention to my whining so, I stopped. Now that I'm pregnant, I can whine and pout my way into and out of all kinds of stuff.

Things I don't like about being pregnant:

-Waddling. I waddle like a duck. Not a cute look for a fat chick.

-My boobs hurt like ALL of the time. If not the actual breasts, then the nipples. Its really sick.

-My skin is weird sometimes. I'm usually gorgeous but every so often, my skin looks a mess and I'm not sure why.

-Ugly clothes. I can't wear cute vintage stuff anymore. :( I can barely fit into the majority of my clothes and my maternity clothes aren't really my style. All very bad things for a clothes whore.

-EVERYONE wants to talk about me being pregnant. Sometimes I just want to talk about other stuff but its like I'm not supposed to talk about anything else.

-I have to sleep in weird positions. I have to sleep on my sides which is horrendous. I have like 25 pillows that I sleep with nightly otherwise, sleeping in bed is very uncomfortable.

-I think my butt is getting smaller. My mother SWEARS I stole her behind. She says she had a beautiful behind before she was pregnant with me. Apparently, when I was born, I took her booty. Now, I have a VERY BIG booty. Its one of my favorite parts of my body. I swear its getting smaller, Paul says it isn't but, I've had this booty for years. He's only known it for a few months, what does he know?

-Pressure to get married. I've decided not to get married, at least not anytime soon. Everyone, including the person I was supposed to marry is acting as though I've gone completlely nuts. Knowing the Sagittarian I am, I probably don't want to get married because they all want me to. Haven't they learned anything about me yet?

-STRETCH MARKS. No amount of water drinking, olive oil or shea butter can stop these things. They are onthe bottom of my once stretch mark-less belly like veins. They're very light but I see them and worse, I feel them. Very nasty things they are.

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