
Well, it is done. I do not feel as bad as I thought I would, I guess because it is still new and possibly because I have lots of stuff to keep me busy but, it is done and I guess I feel kind of good. I just couldn't continue to be a part of that whole thing with M.E. It was very unfair to me and not working for my benefit.

It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot! It's rididculous. I being a fat girl am quite angry about all of the heat, I just can't take it. The cat is hot, Sam is hot, I am hot and thanks to all of NYC being hot, our electricity is doing this weird looks like there might be a black out twitchy thing which isn't very comforting to be witness to especially since my flashlights need batteries. Note to self: must buy batteries tomorrow.

This week's class is Diagnosing and Remediation of Literacy Problems. What joy! Lucky me, I have ANOTHER presentation and ANOTHER paper to write. Damn my ambitions.

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