
Good Bye New Guy

Well, it's official, the man I knew as new Guy is no more. I will say a few short words about him.

New Guy, even though you obviously turned out to be an asshole, you were for a short time a really cool guy. You were funny and smart and you seemed kind and generous but sadly, you turned out to be a dipshit. Will you make it into my boyfriend hall of fame? No. Will you be missed? Not quite. Will I add you to my list of men I hate? Nope, I didn't care that much. Will the wind whisper your name on a cold winter's day? I hope not. Anyway, we met, you were cool for a while and then you revealed your true identity as a pussy; just like most of the men who have entered my life, but in a far shorter period of time. New Guy has been retired.

Eaten Today

Breakfast: Toast and a sausage, tea and orange juice

Dinner: Turkey cheese burger and french fries, lemonade (going food shopping tomorrow, thanks M.E!)

Resumes: 4

Exercise: none, blaming the cold weather today

Hours on Phone: about 4 (spoke to G)

Bought: Nothing

My morning started off pretty bad today. I woke up about 3 in the morning and stayed up until about 7. I decided to go back to sleep and slept until about 10. During the hours of 3 and 7 when I was up though, I cried like no one's business. I was crying because I felt like a failure. I've done all of this stuff with my life, and now I feel as though I am accomplishing nothing. I used to be so lucky when I was younger but, I guess my luck has run out. I still can't seem to get hired. I am VERY low on cash and I am bored out of my mind. I have set aside my most valuable things in casee I have to sell some stuff to stay afloat. I have like 3 Louis Vuitton bags I can part with, hopefully, they will bring in a little over a thousand dollars. I also have this old diamond ring that was given to me by my ex fiance. Since I don't wear it and very rarely even look at it, I figured selling it wouldn't have a huge impact on my life. I suppose I can get about twenty five hundred for that. If worse comes to worst (and I hope it doesn't) I can always sell my LV luggage set which will hurt my little heart but make my even smaller pockets quite large. And though I don't want to, and it will be the last thing I probably do, I can always sell Sam's LV collar and carrier (that will be a last ditch option though). Mysterious Ex has been very generous, leaving me money in pocketbook and in my desk since he knows I won't take it from him. Usually, my pride is right there, blocking me from accepting anything but, I will do it for Sam cause my baby needs to eat. It isn't that I am dirt poor, but at this point I have no more income. I am living off of the little money that I had the good sense (for once in my life), to save. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have anything. I musn't complain too much though, things could be far, far worse. I could be homeless, I could have nothing, I could be forced to live in a shelter or have no family or friends to help out. I could be so down and out that I couldn't be able to pay my bills, I could be in awful health and not just a little extra chubby/fat. So compared to all of the things that COULD be going on, I'm in pretty good shape, not too much to complain about.

I was talking to my Godfather today and he reminded me of some land my dad left for me in the South. If things got really bad, I could sell that for a really good amount of money. Though I wouldn't want to sell off what my dad left for me, I hope that he would understand, it isn't as though I would be selling it to fund a vacation, this would be for living. My dad was a good guy, something tells me that he would understand. I will leave that as a last, last option.

Mysterious Ex and I are supposed to do something for the weekend since it is a holiday. Everyone in the world knows its going to be crowded with the exception of M.E. He thinks that we can just go down to the Jersey shore and find a great place to stay for the weekend. He thinks many people will be scared away because of the crappy weather we have been having. I think we should just do a day trip type thing, nothing too big. We will see what it turns out to be. I'm sure it will be okay.

Of course Samson will be coming along which sometimes proves a little difficult when we want to go somewhere. On the whole, Sam has been accepted nicely but with his new found "aroma" we may be asked to leave the place we choose to stay. We'll see.

I changed my blog look. I like it though I do have to say thanks to Gwendolyn Oblivion (first link) since I basically stole her blog design. I went to read her blog ans was like, wow that's so cool, so cool in fact that I too must have it too so, I copied it. Sounds kind of bad so to ease your mind, I didn't actually steal it, I kind of "borrowed" her idea. Thanks Gwen!

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