
Made it home in less than two hours

So, I'm home. The day was pretty decent. I LOVE my new assignment. I teach two classes, then I have prep, I teach another class, then I have lunch, then I have TWO periods of assistant deaning where I sit in my office, waiting for teachers to bring me their bad kids. Today, two kids came in. One didn't want to open his notebook. The other was talking back to the teacher. I asked the principal, "Shouldn't I walk around to show my presence in the school?" She tells me, what if someone needs you? Stay in your office MY NAME. Bet. So I sat there. I fiddeled with my computer, did some lesson plans, I LOVE this job. I tried to add the links to my blog but, it turned out to be some weirdly shaped mess so I changed it. Well, going to go take Sam for a walk, bother The Heavenly One and then come home for a nap.

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