
Life, at least momentarily, is very good. I took two CLEP tests yesterday in subjects that I have never, ever taken in life and passed. Woo Hoo! That means I have gained an additional 6 credits without taking a class, without spending thousands of dollars on a class and that in itself is very exciting. I had an interview with a school in my neighborhood, they told me they would let me know by this afternoon but, I have yet to hear from them. Still haven't given Sam a haircut and he looks an ever living mess. Sebastian caught two mice this week which by far has been one of the grossest experiences of my life. Mind you, I have NEVER had mice, now for two of them to be caught in one week. Ewwwww! My cousin T (the pregnant one) doesn't live very far from me. I spoke to her this morning (she and the baby are doing very well) and she says that she and her husband caught four mice in the past two weeks. Not sure what's going on in this neighborhood but glad to know I am not the only one.

I spoke to my social worker today and I have to say I am quite happy. They will be conducting my homestudy soon and she says she will connect me to the infant department. She spoke of a few unborn children that she knows of, as well as a few babies that were born recently. I am very excited, I could have a baby sooner than I thought. Though, that would mean I'd have to move double time on the nursery thing. But, I guess that would be a small price to pay. I'm going to make cheese burgers and fries for dinner though I know it isn't good for me but huh, not many things in life are good for me.

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