
It is hot as fuck out and I have to be in the midst of all of the heat. Going to school, Uggh! This weeks class is fortunately not as boring as the last one, my professor is really cool and down to earth and believes in taking breaks regularly so that is cool. There is a really cool guy in my class, we have been talking alot but, he thinks I am married because:
a) I wear a self committment ring on my finger that people ALWAYS think is a wedding band and
b) The guy from the class two weeks ago told him I was married

He and I have a class next week together so maybe I'll get a chance to turn up the charm. He attempted to have lunch with me but I, being awkward and stupid didin't realize it until I told him I wasn't hungry. I have 8 more days with him, maybe we'll have lunch some other time. I have written 99 posts thus far, woo hoo. Next one is post 100.

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