

Ah, it's June. The end of school and Pride Month. Normally around this time of year, I am very excited becasue it is getting closer to the time where I can sit around for nine weeks straight doing nothing. However, this June is bittersweet. Yes, the school year is winding down, yes I still have nine weeks where potentially I could be sitting around doing nothing but, this summer, like last summer, I will be taking classes so for 8 of my nine weeks off, I will be in hot, boring classrooms trying desperately to become a principal so that I can triple my salary. My classes are SOOOOOO expensive. I had to register for the classes and was so angry writing out that huge check for almost all of my hard earned money. Good news, in about three years like I said, I'll triple my salary so, I'll hopefully be able to make all of that back.

I'm finding more and more that I'm not really digging New York anymore. Of course I like the culture, museums and theater, shopping and, it's cool that I can go anywhere in the city at anytime of the day and get a cheeseburger but, this whole scene just isn't me anymore. As I'm geting older, I'm more interested in property, and with shit like 3 bedroom 1200 square foot apartments going for a million dollars in Brooklyn, it's time for this chick to get out of dodge. I'm thinking of going somewhere slower but still a bit cultured, Asheville, NC seems like a nice place. I'll probably take a trip down there within the year just to see what's going down.

I decided to try internet dating. It was something I'd never really done before but I decided to give it a try. Though I didn't go out with anyone, I did meet a few guys and seriously, I wasn't impressed. It's just as bad as real life dating. here are a few guys that I met.

E: E is 42 years old, I bit old but okay, I"m trying to get past that whole, the guys MUST be this, this, this thing so I figure okay, I'll see. This man is 42 as I've stated but, he lives at home with his parents. He told me he was married twice and he and his second wife divorced because and I quote, "she didn't want to help me with my career". When I asked what that meant, he told me he was a musician, he was goig to be a musician until he died (or starved to death by my assumptions) she wanted him to get a "real" career. I'm like dude, you live with your parents and you're 42! Don't you WANT a "REAL" career? Don't you WANT to do those things? Needless to say, I told him I didn't think we were compatible. He asked me what I meant by that, I didn't want to be mean to him so I said, "I'm going to date other people, I'm not ready for the kind of relationship you're looking for". Could you imagine? If I knew I had nothing to offer, especially being a man, I wouldn't dare try to talk to some woman, just plain trifling.

B: B is 38 had a decent job and owned his own apartment. He and I had really great conversations about 4 times then, he told me "I really dug Uma Thurman":

I don't look NUTHIN' like that broad. So I asked him, did you see my pictures? You contacted me, I don't look like her AT ALL. He responds, "yeah, but you're great". Maybe I was being childish but the old, "I don't think we're compatible" line came out. Then that was over.

K: K is 36 years old, he has a 14 year old son, owned his own home. We exchanged a few e mails, he asked me for my number, we exchanged numbers then, he called my phone about twelve times in a row. Just called and didn't say anything when I answered. At first, I thought he was just having phone trouble but, when I told him I was going to turn his phone number in to the police, he stopped calling.

J: J is 32 I think, seemed really nice, we exchanged email for about 3 weeks, then he told me he wasn't 5'10 like he put on his page, he was actually 5'2" and being the vain amazon I am, I doled out the "I dont' think we're compatible" speech. Ah well.

G: Is the last one, we haven't really communicated but never the less, I decided to pull my on line dating ad. It really just isn't worth it to me, very silly.

So along with the end of the year comes all sorts of fun and games at my school. In addition to doing report cards (which are a pain in the butt), I'm preparing my students for a punchball competition (baseball without a bat) and a cheerleading competition I'm also holding my annual pajama party where we all wear pajamas, eat junk food and watch movies and play games in class. I'm also cleaning out my classroom because, I'm going back to elementary in September. That's all I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well- although you're not continuing the online dating - you sure did get a good amount of responses. i did some online dating myself - but did get that great a response.