
So get this:

The girl that the Brit was running around with is all over MySpace (I know I'm too old for MySpace but, everyone has an account) blasting how much she's in love with him and how great things are for them. I didn't know I cared until I saw her blogging about it like it was this great and wonderful thing.

Mind you after we found about one another, she was trying to be my friend, talking "Sis, we should hang out, blah, blah, blah" I was like, "nah, that's aiight" cause you know, I don't know that chick, what I look like hanging out with the next chick?

Then she was on this, "maybe you should forgive him, you were with him first, blah, blah, blah, you know how guys are, maybe he just made a mistake, see where it goes, blah, blah, blah". I mean, we realy had a couple of conversations about this nig and now, she's so in love with him?

What the crap is that about?


Anonymous said...

Are you sure he was even British? I mean did you see his passport. Cuz accents can be easily faked - and this guy must have some serious con skills to have that lil twit wrapped around his finger. I MEAN SHE KNOWS HE'S A NO GOOD CHEAT AND STILL... Be friends? What? Is she slow ( cause then everything would make so much more sense)?

On a more serious note the universe has so many blessings in store for you, so I wouldn't even waste another millisecond on no good eurotrash and the obviously intelligence hindered company that he chooses to keep.

Gotta say ---In the oddest way I feel sorry for the girl though ( what can I say I'm a humanitarian). You just know that that is gonna end really badly eventually. Oh well baby girl will learn one day.

Anonymous said...

i don't get why she'd want you to be friends with him?? I'm confused. is she a friend of yours? otherwise, why would it matter to her? why would she want the girl that her current guy was dating (and cheated on), to make up and be friends? duh???

GoddessNoir said...

She didn't want me to be friends with him. She wanted me to be friends with her. She was suggesting we hang out, get to know one another, etc.

GoddessNoir said...

sol- you are CRAZY. Accents can be faked, I'm dying.

Actually, I did see his passport, driver's license and work id. It started with us having dinner one day, his id pic was a bit different than he looked - he has/had a huge nappy afro and side burns, in the photo he was clean cut so we showed one another our id pics.

I currently have a hug red afro but in my passport pic, I have long permed black hair.

Anonymous said...

oh. that's weird that she'd want to be friends with you.