
Still Trucking Along

This whole not having anything to do thing is bad for me. I haven't done anything! I am by far one of the laziest people I know, it's sick. My house looks UBER terrible becasue I haven't cleaned it. Other than washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, my entire house has gone to pot. I've been sewing and managed to finish a couple of dresses. I haven't done any museum hopping, no matinees have been seen. I've just been taking walks with Sam and working in the garden. Nothing a whole lot more than that.

However, I did go to that swing club last week. It was pretty cool. I met a really nice guy there. (but, they're all nice in the beginning so I'm not sweating it). We exchanged numbers and have spoken a few times simce last week. He's suggested our going out but I told him I think we should talk a little more, just to see where our heads are.

Other than that, I've been doing a whole lot of nothing. I sent in a few resumes just to test the waters a bit and so, I have three interviews next week, all for education director or coordinator positions so, I'll see. I've been told that this coming year, almost all of the classrooms in my school will be blended classes, and taught by two teachers - YIKES! Not really my thing. Personally, I don't think this is the move schools should be making. Everyone is concerned about special needs children feeling normal and learning to work in a "normal" environment but, I feel, what about the general education students? Isn't it bad enough there are 34 children in a class? Now, there are going to be 10 - 12 special education students in the classroom, disrupting, causing a scene? Not that ALL special education children do this of course, but, some of them do. Is it fair to children who are on level or slightly below level to have to be in the classroom with children who are going to need extra attention, who may disrupt learning within the classroom on a whole? The justification for this is that there will be two teachers in the classroom and in the cases of very disruptive students, a one on one paraprofessional but still, that many adults in a room? What about the clashing of teaching styles? What about the clashes of personalities? (and not in an attitudy way but some people, myself included, work better alone, that's just the reality of things) I'm not sure how this is going to work out but, if I am given another opportunity, I surely will take it.

I might be going to my family reunion next week. I thought it was another weekend but, duh, it's next weekend. I'm not sure if I'm going to go or not because, I'm not sure if I can find a sitter for Sam. Cat can stay by himself, he has before but, Sam is a dog and, he's a spoiled littel critter. In the past when I've gone away, he has come along with me, Sam's been to many places but, he can't go this weekend. I could ask a few friends of mine but, I'm not sure how he will react. Even when he goes to THO's house for the day, he gets a bit anxious, he's weird all day until I come home. When I go out, my mom says he paces the floor looking for me, everytime the phone rings, he runs to the door looking for me. It's okay that he does these things with her, but I'm not sure how he'll feel with someone else.

Despite my low food intake and moderate exercising, no weight lost has occured. :( Whenever I've wanted to lose weight, I just stopped eating and that seemed to work. I'm not sure what to do. If I eat anything more than 1000 calories, I gain weight. If I eat about 1000, I maintain weight. If I eat significantly less than that, I lose. I went to the doctor the other day with my little diary of food and she was quite appalled (I've gotten it in the comments also) at how little food I've been eating but, she also understands that I gain weight VERY easily. She brought up bariatric surgery (UGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!) as a solution but, that is NOT something I want to do. It is very risky, people die, are disabled, are permanently sick from haveing that surgery. I'd rather gain another hundred pounds before I do such a thing. The thing is, I don't want to be thin. I've never been and my body isn't built that way. I'd just like to be back to my normal size, which is about three sizes smaller (and more than a few pounds lighter) than I am now, I'm not sure how to go about doing that. She mentione my thyroid not really looking right, that may have something to do with it. I have to have a ultrasound of my thyroid done, not looking forward to that at all.

Eaten Today:


8 strawberries, sprinling of sugar


Plate of steamed mixed vegetables
homemade iced tea
5 fritos (eat those while visiting THO)