

So, I haven't intentionally been trying to lose weight any more, something about giving up and it being to hard but, I have been wearing a pedometer and trying to get over 10,000 steps a day clocked on it and, I have been making myself do power yoga again.

So, tonight, I'm putting together an outfit for tomorrow. It's kind of chilly in the city and with chilliness is time to change the wardrobe. Anyway, I decided I would try on, just for kicks a dress I haven't worn in a LONG time just because. The last time I tried this dress on, sometime lasdt year, I literally boo hooed my eyes out for like an hour. Well, tonight, I try on the dress and, not only does it fit, but, it's slightly too big. YAY! I'm so excited! So, I'm totally going to wear it tomorrow because you know, I'm hot like that son.

So, maybe I'll try this route, the don't obsess over food/weight and just walk and do yoga route. Though I'd like to throw in a little weight training of some sort because my tummy still isn't its cute flat self and I'm a little jiggly all over. One thing at a time I guess.