

I have decided to throw in the towel when it comes to dating. I have been dating for since I was 18 (though technically I was in a relationship for about 7 of those 11 years) and I am seriously tired of meeting the kinds of men I do. I'm not really even sure what it is. I meet people who seem very nice in the beginning but then all of a sudden, for whatever reason, everything goes to bust. I have not yet to date had a serious adult relationship. The "relationships" that I have been involved in have all been childish, full of lies and stupidity (not on my part).

The last three guys that I have met and sort of dated turned out to be flakes. One guy and I realy took the time to get to know one another. We spoke for hours, hung out, then I don't know what happened, I just haven't been hearing from him so, I left it alone. The next guy seemed really nice, he had a bit of a limp so initially, I was a bit hesitant about dating him. He kept going on and on about how he wnated someone to get to know him for him, how he wanted to be loved and appreciated for the person he was. Okay, fine. We dated for about a month or so, and I was under the impression things were going okay then, phone calls turned into text messages and those turned into nothing. Okay. Then, I met someone who again seemed nice. We went out once where he tells me, "I have something to tell you, I know you're going to be a bit upset". Okay I answer. "I've got two kids, I didn't tell you because I wanted to get to know you." Ooooooookay. So, I think I'm through. I just live a life of solitude and celibacy because honestly, I just can't take this.


Anonymous said...

Goddess you ain't the only one. Don't worry about the brothers, some of them have never been taught how to handle a real relationship, the way some of us sisters have never been taught either. Some people do not know how to relate to each other if it's not just sex. You seem to be doing very well...I suggest that you continue to work on refining yourself. Also, you might want to join something where you meet people on your level. A writing class? A cooking class? A cultural organization? Don't give up. All things come with patience and time...Bless!

Anonymous said...

that advice from anonymous sounds pretty good to me - trying to meet someone on common ground. don't give up, just give it time. that's what they say ;-)

oh btw - any new hair updates?

Anonymous said...

Boh. I thought I replied to this a while ago. I hear men in Canada are pretty cool. ;)