

School starts tomorrow. I really, really, really, really don't want to go. I'm worse than the kids, argggh! I've been enjoying my time at home too much. Fall is coming quickly as it's been quite chilly here in NY the past few days and, I still haven't finished my summer sewing. What a scandal! I'm already looking at new fall fabrics so that I can make a few items before the year is over. I really want to make a coat but truthfully, I don't know if my skills are up to par as of yet.

I met a guy a while back and he and I have been speaking a lot lately. He told me that he worked in retail but didn't give specifics and since we were going through the motions of getting to know one another, I just let it go. Today, I found out he is a stock guy. He's 34 years old. I think he is very sweet and very nice but truthfully, I really can't see myself involved with someone that does this for a living. Is this a bad way of thinking? I don't need the person I want to be with to be a millionaire but, I make a decent salary. When I finally finish this masters, I'll make an even better salary. I want to live a certain lifestyle, I want to be able to send my children to private school. I want to stay home with my children for a while when I have them. I can't do that with someone who is barely making any money. Then, it makes me think, what has he been doing with his life up to this point? Did he not prepare himself for the future? He's a very bright person, that is certain but, didn't he want to do something with his life? Does he intend on staying a stock boy? He's nearly 40! I don't know. I don't want to be rude to him and I don't want him to think that I think ill of him but, this really isn't something that I think I can get involved with further.

I have to go to bed now because I have to go to work in the morning. :''(

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