

It's been raining and raining and raining here. It's cold, windy, such a blah week. I went shopping today to cheer myself up. I know I'm not supposed to do that, I know I'm supposed to stick to my budget but, I only bought things on sale, with the exception of this jacket that I ADORED. It was the only one left in my size so I bought it. The rest of the stuff was in clearance so I bought some really great tanks, some new panties and a few new bras. I also got a little lingerie since I'm really girly and like to feel pretty after a great shower before bed. Plus, I'm trying to buy pieces that are cute and will last me through at least the first few months of pregnancy since I really don't like "maternity" clothes and really, really, really don't like maternity clothes made for fat chicks, ewwwww.

I spoke with the father of my child who I actually forgot was such a great guy. It's like whenever we've spoken or hung out, I'm all, FOMC is SO great, why didn't I ever date him? I'm not "liking" him liking him but in my humble opinion, he is a great choice for the father of my child, I think I chose wisely.

I just came back from THO's house. It has been our ritual I guess for a bit of time to hang out together on Friday or Saturday night. It's cool but my mom and I get together and we are like little kids. When I eat alone, I eat things like chicken salad, fish, veggies and rice, I still like to bake but, I've been curtailing my baked goods intake as well as too much munchy, fatty, sugary kind of foods especailly for the baby. THO will tell me, I'm eating salad and fish tonight or, I'm going to have some grilled chicken and veggies, but, when THO and I get together, we start making cheeseburgers, french fries, eating ice cream. It's sick. I don't know what it is. Tonight, we had cheese turkey burgers, waffle fries, soda then for dessert, we had ice cream a (ewwwww) store bought chocolate chip cookies. What's up with that?

I felt a wee bit sad for a wee bit of time tonight. I called my friend C, my and he was out on a date. I was so shocked, he's always complaining about this woman or that one and talking about how he's NEVER going out anymore, which he usually doesn't so I figure, hey, it's raining, let me see what C is up to, and he's on a date. So I called my friend K out in Chicago who's always good for a long Friday night chat since he and his girlfriend broke up and guess what? She's over there. So I ask him, are you two getting back together? and in typical man fashion he answers "nah, it's not like that, you know, we just chillin'", okay. My cousin T had to go to bed early because she has a test in the morning (for a job promotion) and my friend T has a class in the morning so she's in bed. THO was tired, she went to the doctor like 8 this morning and FOMC is going to the Million More Movement (very proud of him for that) tomorrow so I have no one to talk to really. I am by myself which I normally don't mind, I'm not the lonely type, but tonight Ijust feel alone. I guess I could watch a movie or something since I'm not tired at all, Sam and I slept for like 2 hours this afternoon.

Not much else is going on. I'm tired of the rain. Work is fine, Sam and I take a nap everyday after work. Nothing big or significant.

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