
Nothing Political, just ordinary bitching

I am the laziest person ever. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. My job isn't even hard. Just the act of getting up, getting dressed and treking my fat ass all the way up town is not my idea of fun. I did however get paid the other day and it WAS SWEET!! I got a raise, (since my years as a teacher has increased and I have a bit of a higher position) so my paycheck was quite nice. Though, I think I should get a paycheck everyday, just to keep me motivated.

Spoke to the future father of my child who is the sweetest guy. I had to think, why didn't we ever hook up? But then I remembered, he really isn't my type physically and we just never viewed one another that way I guess. Thought about calling Mysterious Ex, this is around the time he and I would get back together when we are going through our break ups, 6 - 8 weeks is usually around the time he gets weak and gives me a call. I had to seriously think. I miss him, I will not say I do not, I would be lying but, I actually had to go through all of the stuff that I disliked about him. It's funny how you forget all of the bad stuff someone does. I had to tell myself if he happens to call, I will not answer the phone, it is time to really let this go.

So, I am sitting here doing nothing. Some neighbors of mine are having a party, on a Sunday night and though they do sound like they're having fun, it's like 1 in the morning and they are having just a bit too much fun. I mean, people have to go to work, don't they? I called THO since they are closer to her house to ask if she heard all of the noise and her answer was "Is that what I've been hearing?, I thought my boiler was acting up, I was about to call you." (I guess the bass in the big speakers made her think that) but, what is up with my mom? She's bugging out over there.

My cousin T had an operation on her foot so she and I have been on the phone all weekend. I LOVE T.

My tenants haven't paid their rent this month, they normally are pretty cool so, I haven't said anything. I was thinking maybe they thought they paid it already but truthfully, I don't see how they could think that. THO says to give them until the end of the month but I'm no greedy land lord, what do I do? Send them a note, knock on their door? I'm not sure.

My next door neighbor finished the renovation of his house and it is fucking unbelievable. He and I have the same house style. He restored it to it's original state. I didn't know our houses were so great. I guess with the 70's, people painted to make the houses look more modern and so, all of my surfaces are painted, all the woodwork, fireplaces, etc. Had I known all of that stuff was under all of this, I would have gotten some paint off in the time I have been home. Apparently, all of my fireplaces (I have 6 of them) are marble and brass, while mine are nice, they are painted and not marble and brass, well, the marble and brass are under all of the paint. Also, I have these huge french doors between my master bedroom and what was traditionally the parlor but what is my casual living room and office, mine are painted cream, (my casual living room is red and cream) but there is beautiful stained glass under that paint, I never knew. Also, in my kitchen, there is this HUGE fireplace which was traditionally used as the stove, my stove is actually IN the fireplace (It's that big) but my dad had it painted so when I moved here, I just painted it again, my kitchen is this cute sunflower color with pumpkin trim, anyway, that ENTIRE thing is this BEAUTIFUL red brick and the shelf over that is marble. There is this small alcove in my formal living room (which I NEVER use) and that is all marble. Not to mention ALL of the doorways have this beautiful scroll work and the banisters too but truth be told, I've never paid them much attention while I was painting, or sponge painting or doing my decoupage now, I'm rethinking how I want my house to look. Truthfully, I always thought I would sell this place and move to the suburbs but now that I know it can look so cute, and since that house near me sold for $10 million, I think I might stay.

Home Sweet Home

My neighbor's house is paid for as is mine so about a year or so ago, he kicked out his tenants and just renovated. I'm thinking I might do the same. Downstairs is my formal living room, formal dining room, guest bedroom, HUGE unused bathroom, kitchen, HUGE hallway, pantry, and storage room. If I knock down the walls downstairs, I can make my kitchen, guest bedroom and formal living room into one of those great rooms. I would keep the other rooms and I would make my downstairs bathroom smaller because truthfully, that fucker is HUGE, it's like a master bathroom and all I ever do is piss in there. There's a tub, shower, sink, toilet, bidet (don't ask me why there's a bidet and NO, I don't use it) and built in shelves, too much stuff. I could easily make the two remaining bedrooms upstairs into one huge bedroom and make my tenants apartment a guest room, extra bedroom, studio and some other shit because they have like 8 humongous rooms. This is something I'm going to seriously consider. One of my cousins is a contrator so I'll speak to him.

Sam and I are going to do some serious hanging out next week. I've been staying home in an attempt to save money and while I will not be a complete louse when it comes to spending money, I am going to have a bit of fun. Well, I guess I should convince myself to go to bed, I do have to go to work in the morning.

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