
Uggh, New Blog, Sort of

I thought I was losing weight, but today I put on this dress I haven't worn in a while and good lord why did I do that?! I looked SOOOOOOOOOO horrible in it. Boy, I'm angry at myself.

So, bright and early this morning, M.D. (show I think I'll call Really Nice Church Guy from now on) called me and "invited" me to go to this city wide teacher's union meeting that was supposed to be going on in Manhattan. It was a bit confusing, I told him I MIGHT go, but decided at the last minute not to. There was going to be discussion about the Teacher Retirement System and the UFT (United Federation of Teachers) president was going to be there, as well as the school chancellor. Can anyone say BFD? I thought I would be bored, plus, I ran my mouth on the telephone for like an hour and a half after he called with my cousin T (Lovely) discussing what he meant by "invinting" me to such a thing so, I would have been super late anyway. Lovely is convinced he really likes me and wants to date me, she points out the fact that he went out of his way during our classes to hang out with me and went to lunch with me last week. I pointed out the fact that he "invited" to a fucking UFT meeting! and hasn't asked me out since. She tells me maybe he is just shy and that every man is "out there" I told her I have never come across a shy man. To top things off, he mentions a concert that will be going on on Wednesday night, but doesn't ask if I'd like to go, he tells me, letting you know in case YOU wanted to go. I think I'm in the friend zone. I'm not bummed about it, just kind of weird I guess. I told Lovely I think he's just being a really nice church guy. It isn't that he likes me, he just wants to be kind to me. She states, is he nice to all of the women like that? Why does he take a special interest in you? Hard to explain. Maybe he just thinks I'm nice or something, whatever. It's cool.

So, this guy who has been a friend of mine for like 6 years, and during that entire time has been in a relationship sent me this e mail yesterday:

We finally broke up. Call me when you get a chance 347- xxx- 1743, I can't wait to talk to you. I miss you.

Wow. I haven't spoken to him in like a year or so. When last we spoke, he told me, I wish you and I could have gotten together, then he laughed. I swore he was joking, it wasn't as though he were seriously talking about us being together. That was a bit weird.

Going to get my attempted 5 miles (more like 1.5) in before it gets too hot.

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