
Eaten so far today:
Breakfast: 1 cup of rice krispies, 1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of apple cider (I was very hungry and it only came out to 190 caloires)

So, I know I saw my clavacle last week but now it is almost sticking out the way it used to. I've really only lost a few pounds but it has made a bit of a difference wardrobe wise. I had a pimple like a huge, fat, mosquito bite sized pimple in the little pocket behind my knee (whatever that is called) how something like that gets back there anyway, I'm not sure but there it was, shiny and gross and white. needless to say, I popped it and it was really, really gross. The weird thing about it was I didn't feel it or see it until like yesterday right before I performed minor surgery on myself. Ewwww, gross pimple thingy.

I have decided to have a long talk/possibly ending things with Mysterious Ex. I've mad index cards and everything summarizing all of the points I'd like to address so that I don't forget anything. I think I was too emotional to speak directly about it to him the other day so now, I am ready. I think. I hope.

Samson and I need to get out more often. We walk regularly and of course we are always going over to THO's house but this morning we were outside and this older lady across the street calls me across the street. I've known this lady since I was like 6. She tells me, "Child, I thought you moved, I haven't seen you in so long". I told her, "No, I live here, I've been here steadily for the last couple of years." She then says, "then you need to get out here more often, look how BIG you've gotten". My answer, as truly I can only answer an elderly woman who has been friends with my parent's for 30+ years was, "Okay". I can't even bring myself to think mean thoughts about her though I must admit I was more amused than hurt. Actually, I don't think I was hurt at all.

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