
Eaten So far today:

Resumes: None

Exercise: other than cleaning, nothing

Bought: Nothing

Mysterious Ex and I are supposed to be driving to the Jersey shore today for a fun filled weekend of sun and frolicking. Nice I guess but, I haven't begun to do anything. Being the weird person that I am, I cannot come home to a junky house so I am in the midst of cleaning (not really since I am writing this now, huh?), washing my hair, giving Samson a bath, baking that batch of cookies I didn't get done yesterday (though I may let that one go, blast!), PACKING (of all things, Jesus), getting a load of laundry done and packing a bag for Sam. I have to do this all the while keeping a calm and pleasant exterior so that when M.E. gets here, in like 3 hours, it won't look as though I am a wild, maniacal last minute kind of girl.

When asked this morning by M.E., I answered, "yes, of course" to the following questions:
Did you pack?
Is your house clean? (M.E. knows that I have weird can't come home to a dirty house complex)
Is Sam packed?
(enthusiatically) Did you bake those kick ass cookies? (On second thought, I may not be able to NOT bake the cookies now.)

and all the while, I promised Gwedolyn Oblivion a recipe. Woe is me. I am going to go now for this is my fantasy when Mysterious Ex comes to pick me up:

Of course I will be casually sitting on the couch looking beach travel ready and oh so sexy all at the same time. My bags will be packed, Sam will be beautifully gleaming, I'll be reading a magazine and all will be right with the world. Too bad I won't be outside or I would throw in a lemonade and straw hat too. Well, have to go, very busy day ahead.

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