
Damn the New York TImes!

Eaten so far today: Nothing but last night, gorged myself on Manicotti with Italian sausage, garlic bread, pepperoni roll and ice cream, God that was good, too bad I ate it all

Hours on the phone: So far, less than 30 minutes, with NY Times guy plus, it's still very early

Resumes: None, it's Sunday silly

Exercise: between running back and forth to the front door to see if my paper has arrived, I must have burned like a thousand calories

Bought: Nothing so far but, the day is still young

Why do I pay 5 dollars a week? So that I can receive an under edited 2,ooo page paper every weekend. So that when my neighbors go out to walk their dogs in the morning, they can see my bright blue plastic wrapped paper letting all who glimpse is know, Yes, I am a New York Times subscriber. I like to sit in the morning with my paper spread around me in little category piles, what I will definitely read, what I might read and what I will use as lining for the cat's litter box. But this morning I awoke and arrgh!, No New York Times. I called and politely let the rather Southern sounding gentlemen representative (which seemed a bit strange to me actually being a New Yorker and calling the New York Times) know that my paper hadn't arrived. he assured me that my paper would be out to me within the hour. Here I am an hour later and still, no paper. My morning routine is completley thrown off now. Here I am with a pot of French Vanilla Roast ready to be guzzled and no paper to accompany it, poor, poor me.

I have yet again come to a decision concerning Mysterious Ex and New Guy, this must be the third or fourth time this week. I will wait a month and see what happens with happens with the both of them. Yesterday, Mysterious Ex (under circumstances which were a bit out of his control) fell right back into his regular ways. No matter the circumstances surrounding how it came about, the result was still the same and I must say, I am more than a bit tired of it. One of the reasons we broke up earlier this year was because as I've said, it really feels as though I am a tight fit in his life. It is as if there is really no time for me, as though I am way down on the list. I don't want to out right dismiss him, since I am accused of this so much but truthfully, what else can I do? There is only so much sitting and waiting patiently a girl can do.

On the flip side, I hung out with New Guy yesterday who seems to have ample amounts of time to spend with me. I feel a bit weird being with him as though I am cheating, which I guess technically I am, though I don't want to think of it that way. To save my own ass I'll say this, it isn't as though I am blowing off my "boyfriend" (not quite sure why I felt the need to put that word in parentheses, though truthfully, it does speak volumes) he is not there, he is not available to me. I guess I have answered my own question.

I often feel as though I should let Mysterious Ex know. Tell him that I was before we got back together and continue to see someone else. I am not sure how he would react, I am not sure how things will work out between us. Sadly, I think maybe part of me likes it, the going behind his back and doing something he knows nothing about. I've never thought of myself as that kind of person but, it must be true, at least in some aspect since I continue to do this. It isn't as though I want to be deceitful, but as simply as I can put it. Mysterious Ex is not here and New Guy is but, where am I in this whole situation?

It is so cold in my house, I tried to convince Sebastian (my cat) to sit behind me in my chair to create a living hot water bottle type effect. He was with it for about a minute then meowed at me, flicked his tail at me and kindly sat on the couch opposite of where I am. I guess he has is standards. Thankfully Samson (my dog) is laying on my feet, keeping my tosies warm and licked. Well, since it is NOT raining for a nice change, I will go out and walk, try to get in a little exercise and scout around the neighborhood looking for the New York Times delivery guy, I KNOW he has to be around here somewhere.

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